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Evolvement Of Smart Phones In India: Know About Best Smartphone In India

What is a smart phone?

 The common question among us now a day is ' Which is the best smartphone in India?' A smart phone is actually a mobile phone that is built on operating systems having better connectivity options and is more advanced when it comes to computing ability.

History of smart phones

When smartphones came into the market it originally included a media player so that you can hear your favourite songs anytime, a camera to capture every moment of life and a PDA or personal digital assistant. Gradually these phones came with GPS navigation system. Nowadays smart phones simply do not mean camera, music and PDA. It has much more to it. Smart phones includes high resolution touch screen to support high definition picture quality. Browsing the internet on phone is no more a problem. With the fast 3G internet you can open any page on your mobile. Also wireless network supports are a plus to the features. Game is no more restricted to 'snake'. Play any game that you play on your computer on your phone too. Thus the difference between computer and phone is minimized to a line. A multi use smart phone is actually preferred over a laptop or a personal computer.

Operating system

Coming to the operating system, there are three operating systems abbreviated as OS that is commonly found on today's smart phones. The first is Android OS that is offered by Google. Next comes Microsoft's windows followed by i OS by apple. Other operating systems are symbian that is launched by Nokia, Bada launched by Samsung and blackberry OS by RIM. Other operating systems like webOS or Maemo can also be installed on smart phones having different models. The best smartphone in India could be hard to tell specifically. It depends on your wants and requirements.

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